Tag Archives: Senior Assistance


The Different Types of Respite Care

Family caregivers wanting to take a break is not something that they should feel guilty about. In fact, it is important that they rest up and take care of themselves too. Although it may seem impossible to do especially with the needs of their sick l...

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Helping Family Members Prevent Caregiver Burnout

Caregiving can become complicated, especially when they are done by family members. Most of the time, the person in charge of elderly care must modify their entire life and devote the majority of their time to the ill loved one. It can result in seve...

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Improving Quality of Life Through Companionship

Our senior loved ones with disabilities or complex medical conditions might be struggling to live their daily lives at home. Due to having limited mobility and physical capabilities, they might have trouble completing daily tasks and routines. They m...

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Respite Services Are Not Created Equal

Don’t feel guilty if you want to take a rest. As a family caregiver, you deserve to get refreshment after serving your loved one with the best possible personal care that you can manage. There are different respite services that you can choose fr...

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Springtime Creativity for Older Adults

There’s a reason why so many pieces of work are inspired by Spring. Spring is a great time to explore the beauty of the world that surrounds us. It’s the time when flowers blossom and when trees bear new leaves, preparing for another long year. A...

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Skilled Nurse Companion at Home

Private duty nursing or PDN is a type of home care service that is provided to individuals who require skilled care and 24/7 nursing care. These nurses do more than just supplement the caregiving responsibilities of the family or guardian. They are l...

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